Back To School Thought

As another semester of college began this week, I couldn’t help but think about my past. Just how on earth did I get to where I am right now? How was I so lucky to make friends, to succeed in school, to learn firsthand in the field of study I hope to one day pursue? HOW?

It truly is amazing sometimes how life just works itself out for the better. I see some of my old friends from high school every once in a while. I always make an effort to pick right back up where we left off, like the past two years never happened. But it’s difficult…so much has changed to those I once knew so well. Some have gone down better paths than others, and for them I hope for some guidance as they continue their journey through life. But others are doing really well off – enjoying their college experience, making friends, and slowly but surely becoming more and more successful.

I have a dear friend who has always been “bothered” by the fact that while we are living our own lives, other people who are not with us are living their lives as well. Even though they are not a next to us or even in the same state as us, they are going through the same daily routines as we are. I guess I can agree with her, it is a tad odd to think about…

For everyone just starting a new chapter of their life, savor every moment and every day. Because there will always be that desire to look back on life, to remember the past. My other friend has a great quote on his arm though: “Those who look back are lost.” Savor the past, but don’t live in it. Life keeps moving forward and you must too.

And for those continuing to grow and learn, reach for the stars. We are only given one life, and it’s all of our jobs to live it in the best way that we can.

Hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow πŸ™‚ Thanks for reading!

The Twenty Seconds of Insane Courage

Most things in life take a little bit of courage – asking your boss for a raise, talking to the cute girl you see at Starbucks every morning, asking your best friend for help on an important decision. Without a little bit of courage, a little extra push from your brain saying “You can do this, just be confident and go for it,” not many of these things would happen. Courage is tough to harvest, but once you have enough, it can make a world of a difference in your confidence level and eventually your success rate.

Recently, I saw the movie We Bought A Zoo. It’s a beautiful movie about a man and his two children going through a rough time and a big change after their mother passes away. If you’ve seen this movie before, kudos to you! If not, check it out. The dialogue is a little spotty at times but the overall message and especially the music (props to Jonsi, the music composer) are both fantastic.

One of the overall messages that this movie attempts to get across to its viewers is that of courage. Specifically, if you’re in a tough spot and want to make a big change, sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane, ridiculous courage when talking to someone or doing something. Those 20 seconds are the difference between success and failure sometimes.

So next time you’re in a pickle or you meet a cute person that you can’t stop thinking about, twenty seconds of courage may be all you need to start a conversation, fix a problem, or turn your life around.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week! πŸ™‚

A Rambling Post about My Life (no, but really)

Wow, it has been quite some time since I’ve written anything… Amazing how that happens, time just escapes you and you forget this all existed. Well, nonetheless, I am back!

It’s been a fun past few weeks. Just to update my life, my internship with Crowne Plaza has ended, and it’s been very bittersweet. I knew I didn’t want to end up there forever (there are countless things that they do at the Crowne that I don’t approve of, and neither do my college textbooks…) but at the same time I’m going to miss the people and the fun of working events. I have since started setting up my next job, working aaaat… (drumroll please) STARBUCKS! I’m super excited to be a barista, and work in a coffee shop, something I’ve wanted to do for a while now! So that will begin in a few weeks then and hopefully will be my job for at least the next year or two.

In other news, I won this online contest provided by a local tennis store and got $100 worth of free Nike tennis clothes. First, turns out that can only really buy you two pairs of shorts and a nice shirt…crazy… But more importantly, I didn’t think I would use the free clothing to its fullest extent, so I took my little brother (a tennis professional (not really, but maybe someday)) and let him pick everything out for himself. I figured he would appreciate it and use the clothes more than I would, so yea!

I realize this is an update on my life that no one really knows about, but I’m honestly just enjoying writing about it. I’ve been needing to talk to one of my best friends (whom I just texted after writing that) about my life and my summer and such. And obviously it would be nice to hear how she is doing too…

LESSON FROM THIS POST: Call your best friend who you haven’t talked to in a while. You won’t regret it πŸ™‚

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!

5 Things Men Will Never Tell You

Once again, James Michael Sama speaks the truth…glad I’m not alone on this one, but it really does show women a side of men that they probably will never see.

James Michael Sama

Often times, we tend to hear more vocal dissatisfaction from women regarding the current state of dating, than we do from men. But, many times men are equally frustrated or faced with challenges. The problem is, men think it will emasculate them to voice certain opinions, so I’m going to do it here for us/them.



You have an effect on our confidence.

I think one of the aspects of dating which is never discussed, but needs to be more, is the fact that when men approach a woman – he is putting his ego (confidence, not arrogance) on the line. Whether it’s at a bar, in a nightclub, or in a bookstore, men are essentially handing over a wrapped package to you and expecting you to decide if you like it or not before even opening it.

If men get rejected or turned down, it makes us wonder if…

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